Gear Gram Watchface

Instagram on your Gear S!

Coming soon!

Authorize Your Watch

Gear Gram App

Instagram on your Gear S!

Version 2 is Available now!

Get Your Code

Featured App #1

GearGram has been featured by Samsung

Here's what v2 looks like

Here are some instructions to help with login.

  • 1. Uninstall the app from the Gear Manager
  • 2. Restart Gear S
  • 3. Install the app
  • 4. Start the app - you should see App Login Screen with instructions
  • 5. Click the "Get My Code" button below or go to on your phone
  • 6. Login with Instagram and make sure to authorize the app.
  • 7. IMPORTANT! Your code is CaSe SeNsITive.

Get My Code

Crafted with by Pupsidedown, Inc.